Masayoshi Ohta、Takeshi Togo、Mika Ikeda,Shigehiko Suzuki.
Limb Slvage of infected diabetic foot ulcers with free deep inferior epigastric perforator flap. 7th congress of the europan federation of societies for microsurgery, Spain(Balcerona), 2004,5,21?22
Masayoshi Ohta 、Yoshihisa Suzuki、Hirotomi Chou, Namiko Ishikawa,Shigehiko Suzuki,Toru Noda, Naoya Matsumoto, Mari Dezawa, Chizuka Ide.
Bone marrow stromal cells infused ino the cerebrospinal fluid promote functional recovery of the injured rat spinal cord with reduced cavity formation. 16th international congress of international Federation of Associations of Anatomists, 京都, 2004,08,22?27
Masayoshi Ohta、Takeshi Togo、Shigehiko Suzuki. nodular hidradenocarcinoma on the scalp of a young womn: case report. 10 th world congress cancer of the skin, Vienna, 2005.5.13?16
Masayoshi Ohta、Michiaki Hiramoto、Hisashi Otsuka, Shigehiko Suzuki. Metastatic microcystic adnexal carcinoma an autopsy case. 10th world congress on cancers of the skin, Vienna, 2005.05.13?16
Masayoshi Ohta、Mika Ikeda、Takeshi Togo, Shigehiko Suzuki. Surgical treatment of an intracranial metaatasized squamous carcinoma. 10 th world congress on cancers of th skin, Vienna, 2005.0513?05.16